Too little exercise can make you sick. The possible consequences are back pain, obesity or cardiovascular diseases (e.g. heart attack). Therefore, get active for at least half an hour every day. For example, with fast walking, cycling, gardening or housework. The 30 minutes can also be divided into 3 times 10 minutes per day. Also climb stairs instead of taking the elevator or escalator. This is how you build healthy exercise into your daily routine.
Swimming, walking, jogging or dancing are also very healthy. Walking or exercising in the fresh air also has an effect on positively affect the mood off: After that you can relax better and feel more comfortable.
Very important: Also Children should exercise at least one hour a day. Physical education classes at school are therefore important. Children get even more exercise if they regularly join a sports club, for example a soccer club.
This tip can also be fun for children: Go once on a Vitaparcours. These are paths in the forest with gymnastic exercises. The Vitaparcours is free of charge and is suitable for everyone: beginners, athletes, adults and children. There are six Vitaparcours in the canton of Obwalden. You can find more information here.
You can read tips for more movement in everyday life in the brochure "Movement is life". It is available in nine languages.
The website www.jugendundsport.ch offers courses and camps for children and youth in 75 sports. On this website you will also find links to sports associations.
Here you will find more tips about exercise and nutrition for children and adolescents.