Career choice

Career choice

Who can help with career choices, how young people can find an apprenticeship and how they can continue their education after their apprenticeship - you can find out all this and much more here.


01. Where can I get information about vocational apprenticeships?

After completing compulsory education in Switzerland, students have the option of completing a vocational apprenticeship.
Further information (also in English) on the subject of apprenticeships and apprenticeship positions for young people can be found at here.

The BIZ (Educational Information Center - BIZ Canton Obwalden) Provides any information on the subject of career choice.
Some BIS also organize Career information events, where the professional world is presented.

Those who have shortlisted a profession but cannot yet make up their mind have the opportunity to take a Trial apprenticeship to complete. It is offered by training companies and usually lasts between one and five days. In this way, young people get to know the training company and gain a good insight into everyday working life. The training company, in turn, can assess whether someone is suitable for the desired profession.

02. How can my child find an apprenticeship?

Young people must first find out where apprenticeships are offered. Among other places, they can be found on the Internet (e.g. here), on company websites or in daily newspapers.

It can be helpful to make personal or telephone contact with the teaching company at the beginning. Then follows a written Application. Teachers and career counselors show young people how to write an application and what documents to include. Parents should also support their child as much as possible. Tips are also available on the Internet.

Almost all young people - even those with good school reports - usually have to write numerous applications until they find an apprenticeship; because the supply is limited. The chances increase if the young people look for an apprenticeship in several occupational fields at the same time.

You can find more tips for the apprenticeship search here.

Here there is information for foreign language speakers on apprenticeships, careers and work.

03. When does my child need to start looking for an apprenticeship?

The choice of profession and the search for an apprenticeship already begin in the second year of high school. During this time, it is also possible to complete trial apprenticeships.

You should start looking for an apprenticeship early enough, as it is a long process.

04. What do I do if my child does not find an apprenticeship?

The time of searching for an apprenticeship is very challenging for most young people. In many professions, there are fewer apprenticeships than young people applying for them. So they receive rejections again and again.

During this time, it is especially important for parents to talk openly with their child about his or her hopes and disappointments. Help the child by backing him up and giving him confidence. Make him Courage, Keep reapplying despite the rejections and don't give up. Strengthen the Self-confidence of your child.

You can also help your child from the beginning to Develop alternatives to the desired profession. This is particularly advisable if there are hardly any apprenticeship positions available in the desired occupation or if the school grades are not sufficient for the desired occupation. There are numerous professions that are not yet known to young people. Motivate your child to find a suitable solution with good chances together with the career counselor. The way to the vocational guidance is worthwhile in any case.

Here you will find further information on the Obwalden Education Information Center. You can find more information about career guidance here. For information on counseling in the canton of Obwalden, please visit our Vocational and Further Education Counseling BWB here.

05. What bridge services are available?

Young people who have not found an apprenticeship can take advantage of so-called Bridge offerings use. These are transitional solutions with which you can increase your chances and usefully bridge the time until you have found an apprenticeship.

There are various bridge offerings that are geared towards the specific needs of the young people: for example, the vocational preparation year, preliminary courses, preliminary apprenticeships, integration courses or the voluntary 10th school year.

At Bridge offer the young people prepare for vocational training. They gain practical work experience, improve their academic performance and learn about and build on their strengths. They are also supported in their choice of career or in their search for an apprenticeship.

Inquire early from the teacher or career counselor about the offerings in your region. They will tell you what is best for your child, when and how to register, and what the costs are. You can also submit a request for a cost contribution; note the deadlines for this.

The Obwalden Vocational and Continuing Education Center offers bridge programs. Additional information is here to find.

Here you can find more information about Bridge offers and Intermediate solutions.

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