Integration offers
Which integration offers are available in the canton of Obwalden and how you can defend yourself against racist discrimination - you can find answers to these and other questions here:
01. What does integration mean?
Integration goal is for the native and foreign resident population to live well together. This is based on the fundamental values of the Federal Constitution, mutual respect and tolerance. In this context, Swiss citizens are expected to be open to newcomers. Migrants are expected to learn the language of their place of residence and to familiarize themselves with the circumstances and living conditions in Switzerland.
If you have any questions about integration in Obwalden, please contact:
Basil Allemann
Cantonal integration delegate
Tel.: 041 666 61 57
Village square 4, 6060 Sarnen
02. What integration offers are there in the canton of Obwalden?
Welcome talks
All new foreign language residents from abroad who stay in Switzerland for more than one year are invited to an interview in the canton of Obwalden.
Contact and information: Basil Allemann, Tel.: 041 666 61 57, e-mail:
Advice and information
All persons who have moved to the country from abroad can seek advice from the Social Affairs Office.
Contact and information: Basil Allemann, Tel.: 041 666 61 57, E-Mail:
Language courses
You can find information about language courses here.
Meetings and discussions
- Multicultural women's meeting "Open door": Here migrant women and Swiss women meet for mutual exchange.
Contact and information: Gaby Ermacora, Tel. 079 502 30 62 or at the e-mail address: . - Café International: weekly exchange of talks between people who have had to leave their homes.
- Treffpunkt Bewerbung: Here, young and adult immigrants are supported in putting together their applications. Apart from copying and printing costs, the service is free of charge. Job seekers who are not already supported by the RAV, the Contact Point for Employment OW/NW, the Social Services Asylum OW or a social service may participate.
Place: Brünigstrasse 154, 6060 Sarnen
Registration and information: Tel. 041 631 00 99
03. What integration services are available specifically for women?
At Multicultural Women's Meeting "Open Door migrant women and Swiss women meet for mutual exchange. Here you can make new acquaintances, improve your German language skills and discuss issues such as family, education, culture, work and everyday life.
The women's meeting "Open Door" takes place every 1st Wednesday evening of the month from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the Hüetli cafeteria at Marktstrasse 5 in Sarnen and every 3rd Thursday morning of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Reformed Church at Ennetriederweg 2 in Sarnen.
Several times a year there are also trips together with the children. The meetings, except for the excursions, are free of charge. For more information, please contact Gaby Ermacora at 079 502 30 62 or at the e-mail address: atelier(at) .
In the Femmes Tables discussion groups women can exchange ideas in their own language on topics such as health, budgeting, raising children and much more. In Obwalden, Femmes Tisch discussion groups are held in Spanish, Albanian, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Tamil, Farsi, Kurdish, Arabic and Tigrinja. The meetings are free of charge. You can also become a facilitator or host of Femmes Tables yourself. To register for Femmes-Tables or if you have any questions, please contact Gaby Ermacora, Tel.: 079 502 30 62, e-mail address: femmestic.ow(at)
04. How can I defend myself against racial discrimination?
In Switzerland it is forbidden, Publicly attacking or harassing people on the basis of their membership in an ethnic or religious group in a way that is discriminate, which violates human dignity. The refusal of a publicly offered service is also prohibited. According to criminal law, racial discrimination is considered an official offense if the act occurs in public. If you have been a victim of racist discrimination in Obwalden, please contact the Fachstelle Gesellschaftsfragen.
Do you feel discriminated against? At fabia people can get advice regardless of their residence status and nationality. The offer is free of charge.
Information on the topic can also be found in the Legal guide "Racial Discrimination." It is published by the Fachstelle für Rassismusbekämpfung and is free of charge here available.
For more information on the topic of discrimination here.
05. Welche Anlaufstelle ist für die Integration von Geflüchteten im Kanton OW zuständig?
Soziale Dienste Asyl, Fachbereich Integration, Dorfplatz 4, 6060 Sarnen