Job search
Where you can best find job offers, what you should bear in mind when applying for a job and what you need to do if you become unemployed - you can find out all this and much more in the questions and answers on the topic of "Everything about a new job".
More about work
01. Where can I find an open position?
Many jobs are advertised publicly. You can find them in daily newspapers (insert "Stellenanzeiger") or on the Internet. Therefore, look up companies directly on the Internet or call them. There are also private job agencies that will help you in your search. In cafés, restaurants or in the library, there are many daily newspapers that you can read free of charge.
RAVThe regional employment center (RAV) supports employees and employers from the cantons of Obwalden and Nidwalden free of charge in finding and filling jobs. You can find information about the RAV here.
Contact details: Regional Employment Center Obwalden Nidwalden, Bahnhofstrasse 2, 6052 Hergiswil, Tel. 041 632 56 26,
Meeting point applicationIf you would like help in putting together an application, you can get it at Treffpunkt Bewerbung. There your questions about the job search will be answered and you can use the available infrastructure (computer with internet access, printer, camera...). The offer is free of charge, except for copying and printing costs. It is aimed at young and adult immigrants who are not already supported in their job search by the RAV, the Kontaktstelle Arbeit OW/NW, the Sozialen Diensten Asyl OW or a social service. If already available, please bring a USB stick with your application documents.
Place: Brünigstrasse 154, 6060 Sarnen
Registration and information: Tel. 041 631 00 99
02. I feel unfairly treated, what can I do?
First talk to a member of the personnel committee or the personnel manager about the reasons why they are not satisfied with their job. Seek professional advice before taking any action on your own. The best way is to ask for advice from a legal counselor or support organizations. Or contact fabia for a free consultation.
If you are a member of a trade union, you can also ask there. Perhaps your colleagues at work can also help you.
03. What do I do if I become unemployed?
If you are threatened with unemployment, you should register in person as early as possible, but no later than the first day of unemployment, with the Regional Employment Center (RAV) register. The RAV is the liaison between unemployed persons and the unemployment insurance funds. It informs you about the amount and duration of unemployment benefits. The RAV also arranges jobs and advises you on further training courses and employment programs.
04. What does moonlighting mean?
Undeclared work = work for which a wage is paid. However, this wage is not taxed and the employee is not covered by social security. Undeclared work is illegal in Switzerland and you may be liable to prosecution.
The website provides factual information about undeclared work and the associated risks.
05. Wo finden Sie als Arbeitgebende Unterstützung, wenn sie Geflüchtete anstellen möchten?
Soziale Dienste Asyl, Fachbereich Integration, Dorfplatz 4, 6060 Sarnen / Obwalden – Soziale Dienste Asyl (
Hier finden sie Informationen zur allgemeinen Arbeit mit Flüchtlinge. Obwalden – Arbeiten mit Flüchtlingen (