01. what is an emergency and what to do then?

An emergency is a life-threatening situation. Most public hospitals have an emergency department that is open 24 hours. However, it is intended for serious cases.

In the canton of Obwalden, the Emergency ward in the hospital Sarnen. Around the clock and during 365 days, patients who need immediate medical treatment are cared for.
An interdisciplinary team of medical specialists and competent nursing staff ensures professional primary medical care.

Important emergency numbers:

  • Ambulance 144
  • Police 117
  • Fire department 118
  • Poisoning 145 (Toxicology Information Center)

If a person in your area suffers an emergency (e.g., an accident), the First aid the most important thing. Vital bodily functions such as consciousness, breathing and circulation must be ensured. What exactly to do can be learned in a course. In an emergency situation fast action is important. You can reach the ambulance and rescue service by calling 144. When calling, give the following information:

  • Your name,
  • from where you call,
  • what has happened,
  • how many people are involved/injured
  • what have you already done?

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