05. what is volunteering and what is a "DOSSIER FREELY ENGAGED"?

Around a quarter of the resident population in Switzerland participates in institutionalized volunteer work. In other words, they voluntarily perform work in the service of society and do not demand payment for it. This is called volunteer work.

The Work assignments are organized by associations, charitable, political or public bodies. Volunteering can be found in areas such as culture, the environment, sports, politics, in neighborhood assistance, in social, church and many other areas of our society.

You can find more information about volunteering here.

Within the framework of volunteer work, associations can issue their members with a so-called "DOSSIER FREIWILLIG ENGAGIERT". By doing so, they show that the work of volunteers is important and appreciated. In this dossier (also called social time card) the own voluntary work is listed. The so acquired Skills and competencies one wants with it make visible. Volunteer work is thus upgraded and becomes comparable with paid work. You can also use this dossier when you are looking for a job. Because committed employees are appreciated everywhere.

Further information about the "DOSSIER FREELY ENGAGED" can be found at here.

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