04 Where can I get support in the first period after the birth?

In the days after birth, the mother should recover physically and mentally. During this first week (postpartum period), mother and child receive medical care. The basic health insurance covers the costs of examinations during pregnancy, birth and postpartum care. The health insurance also covers certain costs of birth preparation and breastfeeding counseling.

For the first period after birth at home, there are at the Mothers, fathers and parents counseling numerous courses on nutrition, development or education of the child. Some courses are also held in languages other than German.
A maternal and paternal counseling service is provided in the canton of Obwalden by the Spitex offered.

In Switzerland, there is a statutory Maternity Insurance: Working mothers are granted leave for 14 weeks after giving birth and receive 80 percent of the average salary (also called maternity compensation or maternity leave). There is no statutory paternity leave in Switzerland. Individual employers (e.g. the public administration of individual cantons) grant fathers paid paternity leave of a few weeks after the birth.

You can get more information about maternity insurance here or with your employer. In addition you will find here more information on maternity compensation and protection of the employee during maternity.

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