The public school is called Elementary school and is free of charge. Parents are free to choose a private school for their children. Private schools are subject to a fee. In Switzerland, the cantons are responsible for the elementary school. The school systems of the cantons can differ greatly in some cases. Even within a canton, schools can differ from municipality to municipality or even from school building to school building.
1. kindergarten
Mandatory (Duration: 9 years)
2. kindergarten (duration: 1 year)
Elementary school (duration: 6 years)
Secondary school I (duration: 3 years)
After the 6th grade, the children change to the orientation school (IOS) of the municipality or to the cantonal school in Sarnen, depending on their age.
In Switzerland, school takes place in block times, i.e. in the morning and partly in the afternoon. Over lunch, many students go home. If you need childcare, ask at the school if there is a lunch program and childcare modules before and after school. You can also find information about other childcare options (e.g. daycare families) in the Directory for supplementary family childcare.
An overview of the education system (in twelve languages) can be found at here.