With the following Costs you have to expect for the naturalization procedure in the canton of Obwalden:
- Underage persons not in gainful employment: Fr. 800.00
Pupils: Fr. 800.00
Students: Fr. 800.00
Apprentices: Fr. 800.00 - Individuals: Fr. 1000.00
- Married couple: Fr. 1'600.00
- Per child: Fr. 300.00
The police leadership report is charged separately by the cantonal police. The costs for this are approximately Fr. 500.00 to 1'000.00. The costs for the federal naturalization permit are usually Fr. 100.00 for individuals, Fr. 150.00 for married couples and Fr. 50.00 for minors.
In addition, there are the fees of the individual municipalities in the canton:
Alpnach, Giswil, Kerns, Lungern, Sarnen and Sachseln:
- Individuals: Fr. 1'200.00
- Married couples: Fr. 1'800.00
- per child in the request of the parents: Fr. 200.00
- Pupils: Fr. 700.00
- Engelberg charges the costs according to expenditure.