02. being a parent is also exhausting - Where can I get help?

Parents of infants and toddlers may contact the Maternal and paternal advice centers turn. If necessary, take someone with you to translate. However, many places also have people who speak several languages.

  • The Parent Emergency Call Provides anonymous assistance and counseling at any time of the day or night (24 hours) upon request. 
  • The Pro Juventute, Tel. 041 660 90 70 arranges child-friendly vacations for single parents and families with a small budget, but also socio-pedagogical family support.
  • The early intervention program "On the way" is for parents with preschool-age children (from 15 months to about 3½ years). The goal is that all children should receive fair educational opportunities.
    Fachstelle Gesellschaftsfragen
    Tel: 041 666 61 85
  • The Early remedial education of the Rütimattli Offers support to parents in raising and nurturing their preschool-aged toddler with disabilities:
    early education(at)ruetimattli.ch
    Tel. 041 666 58 08
  • In the canton of Obwalden, Hanny Santini-Amgarten offers breastfeeding counseling in Sachseln.
    Telephone consultation as well as personal individual consultations by appointment under
    Tel. 041 660 64 46.
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