- Raising my child is difficult:
Helpful tips can be found on the website of the Child Protection Switzerland.
Raising children can be very demanding and push you to your limits. The Parent Emergency Call offers support.
Violence against children is prohibited in Switzerland. Information and tips on non-violent parenting can be found at here.
- Limits and freedoms
Children need:
Open spaceswhere they can make their own experiences
Boundaries as protection and orientation
Talk to your child about rules, boundaries and the freedoms that go with them.
- My child often says, "Everyone else gets to do this but me!" How should I respond to this?
Almost all children put pressure on their parents with such and similar phrases. The word "all" is never true with rules and boundaries because each family must find its own rules. Talk to your child and explain the boundaries that have been set.
- Media consumption:
Guide values:
1st to 3rd grade: max. 30 minutes per day
4th to 6th grade: max. 1 hour per day
Upper school: max. 2 hours per day
You can find information under www.jugendundmedien.ch
- Consumption of illegal substances (alcohol, illegal drugs):
For information on dealing with young people who use addictive substances, see here.
If you have any questions, you can contact the addiction counseling Obwalden addiction counseling(at)ow.ch turn.